Most of you're using ORM for connecting your application to database. For those using SQL databases in Node.js platform, Sequelize is one of the most popular options. Sometimes you may need to use aggregate functions when fetching data from database, such as SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, etc. In this tutorial, I'm going to give some examples of how to use aggregate functions with Sequelize.js.
Database Models and Assocations
For this tutorial, first I define two simple models Item
and SaleItem
. Each models represent a real table in the database. Item
stores the details of items. SaleItem
stores data of item sales, with each record represents a sale for an item. For each sales, user can buy multiple amounts of an item, stored in amount
const mappings = {
id: {
type: Sequelize.UUID,
primaryKey: true,
defaultValue: Sequelize.DataTypes.UUIDV4,
name: {
type: Sequelize.TEXT,
allowNull: false,
stock: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
allowNull: false,
price: {
type: Sequelize.DECIMAL,
allowNull: false,
active: {
type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN,
allowNull: false,
defaultValue: true,
const mappings = {
id: {
type: Sequelize.UUID,
primaryKey: true,
defaultValue: Sequelize.DataTypes.UUIDV4,
itemId: {
type: Sequelize.UUID,
allowNull: false,
itemPrice: {
type: Sequelize.TEXT,
allowNull: false,
amount: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
allowNull: false,
cancelled: {
type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN,
defaultValue: false,
A SaleItem
record belongs to an Item
record and each Item
may have multiple SaleItem
records. We need to define the association.
const Item = require('./Item').getModel();
const SalesItem = require('./SaleItem').getModel();
SalesItem.belongsTo(Item, { foreignKey: 'itemId', targetKey: 'id' });
Item.hasMany(SalesItem, { foreignKey: 'itemId', targetKey: 'id' });
MIN Example
In order to find the price of the cheapest item, we can use MIN
clause on price column of
exports.getMinPrice = () => Item.findAll({
attributes: [[sequelize.fn('min', sequelize.col('price')), 'minPrice']],
It generates the following query.
SELECT min("price") AS "minPrice" FROM "Items" AS "Item";
The above example returns result in the following format.
[ Item {
dataValues: { minPrice: '5000000' },
_previousDataValues: { minPrice: '5000000' },
_changed: {},
{ timestamps: true,
validate: {},
freezeTableName: false,
underscored: false,
underscoredAll: false,
paranoid: false,
rejectOnEmpty: false,
whereCollection: null,
schema: null,
schemaDelimiter: '',
defaultScope: {},
scopes: [],
indexes: [Array],
name: [Object],
omitNull: false,
sequelize: [Object],
hooks: [Object],
uniqueKeys: {} },
{ isNewRecord: false,
_schema: null,
_schemaDelimiter: '',
raw: true,
attributes: [Array] },
__eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
isNewRecord: false } ]
To make the result more readable, add raw: true
as the argument.
exports.getMinPrice = () => Item.findAll({
attributes: [[sequelize.fn('min', sequelize.col('price')), 'minPrice']],
raw: true,
Here's the result with raw: true
[ { minPrice: '5000000' } ]
MAX Example
The query for finding the price of the most expensive item is very similar to the query for finding the price of the cheapest item, just replace MIN
with MAX
exports.getMaxPrice = () => Item.findAll({
attributes: [[sequelize.fn('max', sequelize.col('price')), 'maxPrice']],
raw: true,
It generates the following query.
SELECT max("price") AS "maxPrice" FROM "Items" AS "Item";
COUNT Example
clause, we can find how many times each items have been sold. This is not the total number of item sold. In other word, we ignore the value of amount
column. For this case, we simply count how many times an item appear in the SaleItem
exports.getItemSaleCount = () => SaleItem.findAll({
attributes: ['itemId', [sequelize.fn('count', sequelize.col('itemId')), 'count']],
group : ['SaleItem.itemId'],
raw: true,
order: sequelize.literal('count DESC')
It generates the following query.
SELECT "itemId", count("itemId") AS "count" FROM "SaleItems" AS "SaleItem" GROUP BY "SaleItem"."itemId" ORDER BY count DESC;
SUM Example
If we want to get the list of best seller items, we need to sum up the value of amount
column by using SUM
exports.getBestSellerItems = () => SaleItem.findAll({
attributes: ['itemId', [sequelize.fn('sum', sequelize.col('amount')), 'total']],
group : ['SaleItem.itemId'],
raw: true,
order: sequelize.literal('total DESC')
It generates the following query.
SELECT "itemId", sum("amount") AS "total" FROM "SaleItems" AS "SaleItem" GROUP BY "SaleItem"."itemId" ORDER BY total DESC;
Aggregate + Populate Example
Like the previous example, but now we also populate the Item
exports.getBestSellerItems = () => SaleItem.findAll({
attributes: [[sequelize.fn('sum', sequelize.col('amount')), 'total']],
include : [
model : Item,
group : [''],
raw: true,
order: sequelize.literal('total DESC')
It generates the following query.
SELECT sum("amount") AS "total", "Item"."id" AS "", "Item"."name" AS "", "Item"."stock" AS "Item.stock", "Item"."price" AS "Item.price", "Item"."active" AS "", "Item"."createdAt" AS "Item.createdAt", "Item"."updatedAt" AS "Item.updatedAt" FROM "SaleItems" AS "SaleItem" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Items" AS "Item" ON "SaleItem"."itemId" = "Item"."id" GROUP BY "Item"."id" ORDER BY total DESC;
That's how to use aggregate functions in Sequelize.js